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By car
Direction from Třinec, Jablunkov
Follow the road 11 – E75 after you pass Jablunkov, exit in the direction of Dolní Lomná and Mosty u Jablunkova on the road 474.
Continue following the road signs through the village of Mosty u Jablunkova to the Šance neighbourhood.
From Slovakia
Direction from Svčinovec – Čadca, or also from Poland from Zwardoń (along Slovak D3)
Follow the road 11 – E75 to the Mosty u Jablunkova/Svrčinovec border crossing. Turn right immediately after the border and follow the road signs to the Mosty u Jablunkova – Šance neighborouhood.
Direction from Čadca – Milošová
In Čadca, turn left onto a side road in the direction of Milošová to Šance/Čadca-Milošová border crossing. Then follow the road signs to the Mosty u Jablunkova– Šance neighbourhood.
The dedicated parking spots are located 50m in front of the Visitor Centre.
By Bus
“Mosty u Jablunkova, Šance, opevnění”stop
Information for excursions: 50m in front of the Visitor Centre there is a space dedicated for the bus
By Train
To the Mosty u Jablunkova railway station and then by foot or by bus to the “Mosty u Jablunkova, Šance, opevnění” stop